Coming in 2024
Coming in 2024

Coming in 2024

Our little home business is turning two years old in January! Back in 2021, our family began talking about how to be more productive and independent, and in January of 2022, that talking began to take shape when we decided on a business. We spent most of that first year gaining skills, coming up with product ideas, and by the end, even selling a few products. 2023 was bigger in every way. More products, many more sales, and a new workshop. For the first time, we attended craft shows, and even started selling products in local stores.

In 2024, we plan to step things up again.

Starting in January, we will be splitting the blog into its own website. We plan to have a lot more content, including tutorials, reviews, and more. Product announcements will be cross-posted; you’ll see them on the new blog and over here.

We never wanted our work to only be about making and selling stuff. We want to help other families get productive, and especially to help families with kids get everyone involved.

January 2024 will also introduce our YouTube channel, with build videos, tutorials, and more. We have a few things planned, but you’ll have to wait for the details.

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and we will see you next year!